We understand that the referral process can be somewhat complicated, and patients may not fully understand why they need to see a periodontist or what to expect.

To that end, we have an online booking system that enables you to directly visualise our appointment book and make appointments for patients. You can book an appointment at www.proactiveperio.com.

To better prepare patients, we are detailing a price range for various procedures. Please understand that this is for guidance purposes only and that every case is different. We will always provide a full and detailed quote for therapy at the end of a consultation.


New Patient Consultation $297
Periodontal/Peri-implant Therapy $400 – $6,000
Implant Placement $2,100 – $4,800 per implant
Staged Grafting $1,600 – $3,500
Periodontal Surgery $600 – $3,500
Mucogingival Surgery $550 – $900 per tooth


New Patient Consultations

Our initial consultations are $295 and involve a 40-minute appointment with one of our periodontists. The price includes consultation fees, any x-rays required, and periodontal charting. The patient will have the opportunity to discuss their diagnosis and treatment plan in length with the periodontist who will be performing their treatment.


Periodontal/Peri-Implant Therapy

The fees involved with periodontal and peri-implant therapy will vary widely depending on the patient’s needs. It may involve localised or full mouth treatment, and requirements for treatment vary depending on the severity of disease. Our treatment options include (but are not limited to): active periodontal therapy, periodontal flap surgery, and LANAP. All of the patient’s options will be disclosed to them at their initial consultations, including any costs involved with treatment. We always endeavour to work in partnership with the patient to determine which treatment will be most suitable for their current situation.


Implant Placement

For implant therapy, the price varies from $2,100 for a straightforward, simple implant, up to $4,800 for complex two-stage implants involving simultaneous grafting. When referring patients to us for implants, please let us know if you have a preferred implant system and we will do everything we can to accommodate this.


Staged Grafting

Stage grafting can vary from $1,500 for a simple case, through to $3,500 for treatment requiring a sinus lift. The price will depend heavily on the number of materials and time required to complete the procedure.


Periodontal Surgery

Periodontal surgery for such items as crown lengthening access surgery for exposures will vary from $600 through to $3000, depending once again on the procedure complexity and materials required.


Mucogingival Surgery

With regards to mucogingival surgery, prices vary anywhere from $500 through to $800 per tooth. The cost primarily depends on the number of teeth being grafted to re-establish soft tissue contouring and whether we are using connective tissue or other alternative products.

We understand that this is quite a wide price range; however, as you can appreciate, every patient is an individual. We hope this helps, but if you do have specific requests and you can provide more details regarding the case, please free to contact our reception and they will do their best to provide you with a narrower estimate.


Dental Board Code of Conduct Section 3.5 (page 12)

Fees and financial consent

  • Patients or clients should be made aware of all the fees and charges involved in a course of treatment, preferably before the health service is provided.
  • Discussion about fees should be in a manner appropriate to the professional relationship and should include discussion about the cost of all required services and general agreement about the level of treatment to be provided.